Products & Services
In these pages you will find a great range of quality products and inspirational speakers to support and enhance your journey, and that of our children and communities, through health and wellbeing.
As always, we welcome your suggestions for products and people that align with our key values of Education, Health, Environment, Community and Creativity. To find out more about our values, and to get to know us, check out the About Us page.
Learn to sing - for beginners to professionals
Singing is good for you.
Looking for a fun way to be healthy? Try singing on a regular basis
Whether you are a beginner or a professional, 5 or 85, singing is good for your heart, singing increases oxygenation in the blood stream, it reduces stress and exercises your lungs and your heart. You can join a choir, or sing in the shower. Your emotional and physical body will thank you for it. Learn to sing with Bonnie J Jenson- professional performance singer and pianist - for beginners to professionals click onto the pdf file
The art of self-parenting and self-love
The art of self-parenting and self-love is what I have been studying and practicing for 12 years, and I have been teaching it informally for the last five years.
One of the advantages of self-parenting/self-validation is that you develop a strong foundation in the world and you are no longer dependent on the validation of others. This frees you up to create what matters to you in the world, unimpeded by hang-ups. You achieve a new level of comfort and no longer feel under threat. You learn to soothe your own fears so that you can truly give your gift to the world and go for what you love.
Also, you develop a new ability to RELATE to yourself: i.e. you learn the real compassion- being able to care for your own pain. It is then that you can truly be there for others...
Of all of the self-development work that I have done, this is the most important in my opinion, and that is why I am so passionate about sharing it! It is absolutely vital to approach life from the firm foundation of self love. Without it, life can be a hostile game of attack and defense, or at best an empty series of achievements that do not satisfy you in a real and lasting way.
Sessions are one-on-one from my home in Marrickville, or on Skype, at the special rate of $50 an hour.
Contact: Rusty Lynch through Circles of Learning 02 9327 7750
More information:
In addition to creating our own range of products, Circles of Learning likes to promote the great work of others in the field of child wellbeing and development. If you have a product you believe aligns with the values of our ..... read more.
Circles of Learning are proud to share its network of experts and inspirational individuals striving for the best in children's health and learning potential. We represent both seasoned and emerging professionals in wide rangi..... read more.
Professionals are available via email or phone to assist in answering your questions relating to children's health and learning. Your call or email will be attended to as quickly as possible, giving a range of options and pract..... read more.