5 NEW Programs

5 Programs to Involve and Activate Personal Skills

The following programs have been developed for children aged 5-7yrs, 8-12yrs, 13-16yrs and for adults.

Circles of Learning is committed to giving children a strong foundation for health and learning, recognising that when you give children a good start to life, they develop the resilience to handle issues that may arise.

Each program has a different emphasis and all are based on Learning through Play. The core essentials for a healthy body and a healthy mind are contained in each program.

Games played give individuals the skills to build mental health and physical wellbeing
Circles of Learning develops programs according to individuals and group specific needs.

1. Be the Best You Can Be

Demonstrates children’s amazing power and strengthens their resilience. Activities bring out the best in the children, working with the senses to raise their awareness and expand on their existing skills.

Be the Best You Can Be includes experiencing the benefits of water, breathing, nutrition and exercise together with examples of why they are vital to a healthy life.

Games resource people and show how they can make changes to improve a situation. These bring awareness to and activate the senses, and demonstrate how you can improve your physical skills by having a strong belief in yourself. The children come into balance
and experience working together in a cooperative way.


2. Creative Imagination

Experience shows us that children who are frustrated or who struggle at school are often highly capable in creative activities pursuits. Creative Imagination gives them a platform to explore their options and intuition and to discover that their attributes have value and a place in society.

Activities include visioning and working cooperatively in a montage built from nature.

3. Believe in Yourself

Children find their inner strength and recognise their individual skills and talents, that are needed to work and play together to create a successful life.

These children often have the potential to be leaders, they are usually innovative and imaginative and their inherent talents give them a purpose, responsibility, and allow them to express themselves.

The games vary in degree of exercise and movement, giving a mix of high energy games and activities that develop creativity and imagination.

4. Food For Thought

Food for Thought supports children & adults to care for themselves and make sound choices about health, nutrition and day to day relationships with family, friends and school.

By bringing to their attention the importance of eating healthy living foods for maximum energy they experience how to build a healthy body and mind, and to know that when you feel better, your brain function improves, behaviour improves and relationships become more harmonious.

5. Living With Purpose

Living with Purpose is a collaborative 9 week Garden Play program. A small area needs to be set aside for a vegetable garden.

The program guides you through the stages of creating of a vegetable garden, planting and tending to the plants, and the details are decided by the participants in a collaborative way.

Through games and play, children recognise the importance of nature and a sustainable environment for a healthy life.

Each person discovers their own talent and where they fit in. The picture emerges that all differences are needed and important to the overall project and each person has status and position, giving them motivation to get out of the mould and find alternative ways of being.
When children are heard and have a voice, their sense of self worth is acknowledged by themselves and others, and their new life-long skills are valued.

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